Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blog Post #2 Due Monday April 6, 2009

This post will proceed the same as your first; refer to the questions from post 1.
For this section you will be posting on reading section page 37-56


  1. In the book Don't You Dare Read This we read from pages 37-56. It is written in a diary told by Trish Bonner. The whole book is wriiten in her point of veiw and what she hears and see's. In this reading the Bonner family has dinner. Trish's mom doesn't make anything to eat so Trish has to go to the store to get the food. There dad was not there with them so they had to eat by themselves. After they finished eating and put away the dishes the dad walks in and has all this food thinking that they have not eaten yet. There mom doesn't want to tell him that they already ate so they dicide to sit down and have another meal with him even though they are not hungry.
    All the sudden the dad starts to be nice but Trish doesn't trust him so she decide's to keep an I on him. Whenever there mom and dad fight Matt alway's hides away and starts crying. Trish is always there to keep him ocupied so that he doesn't have to think about it anymore. Many times in this part of the book Trish thinks back to when her Grandmother was alive and taught her how to crochet. She finally figured out that she did this because if she could do this than it would take her mind off of her parents fighting.
    In this book the atmosphere is very dppressing because it teaches you that many families don't always get along and have a hard time to stay together. The scenery is mostly in there house. The book describes that there is an upstairs and that matt and Tish both have there own room. It helps describe where and what they are doing at the time. - Liam

  2. Good Job, Right before going to Israel, athough not a lot about your section assigned for this week, I agree, Matt does like to deny the fact that his parents are fighting, he wants a normal life. He deserves it too. I hope by the end of this book this will all e fixed up, and The BONNER family will unite, as one.

  3. This book has been great so far! Although a feel bad for almost all of the characters in the book. Going through such a rough time, the mother just won’t let the “husband” go. So many important events have been shown in this reading section. Dads abuse, the thanksgiving dinner and lots more. During thanks giving, it was strange how the dad just suddenly showed up. And he brought food to bribe the family, and sadly, it worked! I just don't understand how the mom can forgive him. Tish is doing the right thing, helping her brother and not getting physical. I think one of the main reasons that Tish is mad at her “father" is because she feels like a fish out of water. The father is stealing her so called mother position since Tish's real mother. In my group’s opinion, so far there is no difference between the character and the plot. Many elements of suspense were shown at the beginning of the book. Tish has gone through a lot of problems, but the one problem she can’t fix is her family problem.

    On page 41, Tish says that she was so tired of her parents fighting that she wished they would run away, or that they were dead. Usually when someone says this, they don’t really mean it. In this case, I think Tish was being completely serious. Tish needs some help. She should listen to Mrs. Dunphrey and get some advice instead of causing emotional damage to the family. Hopefully all these problems will be resolved.

  4. I think that in this reading the major theme is Tish's dad leaving for about a week and then all of a sudden coming back on thanksgiving and another majoer theme is him screaming and throwing things being a bad guy and then all of a sudden he's all happy and he is the perfect dad. The third theme is that Tish has a hard time realating to her family especially her mother, this is shoed becaue most of the time when they talk Tish's mom either gets offened and her mother also dosn't talk alot with them either. So far they have stayed the same and nothing has really changed. I dont think this theme is new I think that alot of books all ready have the same theme and if not the same the same idea.I think that this theme is not hiding reality at all because a lot of famailies go through the same thing and I think that book is good but the theme is not entertaing because like I mentiond I have all ready seen it before, in my opinion it would be more entrtaing if it was something new. -yael

  5. I dont agree with Josh that Tish feels like a "fish out of water" because her "father" is taking her mother role. I think she feels that way because she is the only one that hasn't forgave him, and I would feel the same way if I was her. Good Job!-yael

  6. I agree with Yael and how the theme is the dad throwing everything around and leaves for a week and then comes back with dinner for everyone. He is being pretty weird i think he is just faking or he is in a lot of trouble Great Job - Zach

  7. In this Section of Don't you dare read this Mrs. Dunphrey its around Thanksgiving and the dad has changed from the all nice guy to Tish's old dad the mean one and he threw things around argues with Tish's mom and Tish and Matt are stuck in Matt's room reading books. The Dad leaves for a week and we dont know where he went and Tish is forced to buy the Thanksgiving dinner she buys a cheap turkey and some canned cranberry sauce and the family without the dad eat there meal but suddenly the dad comes back with a expensive Turkey and better everything. Matt wants to say he already ate so does Tish but the mom says shh and wont let them talk so they have to eat again. What has happened to the Dad why is keep on changing emotions. At the end of the Section its around Christmas and Tish is going to save up money for a game boy for Matt, will the dad buy that for Matt or is it time that Tish gets to buy Matt's favorite gift.
    In this Section i think that the author drew the Character's from experience maybe this is her life, a brother and a crazy dad and a lazy mom and she had to take care of her brother. The characters still seem depressing because every time things begin to get happy it all ends with a sadder thing. By now the characters are 3D because all Tish does is write a journal explaining her life. Character Development does occur because that what we see, we are seeing the mom do something for a change and the dad is back so right there is development. Character Delineation is Direct because we have a personal view from Tish. I hope things stay the way they are with the dad being nice its scary when the dad is pissed - Zach

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I agree with zach that the dad does come and go. He should either stay permanetly or go away permanetly. It just makes things harder if he is not always there for them. I also agree the the mom is lazy. She never stands up for the kids when the dad is around. She also never takes Matt to school or from shcool is is always Tish's responsibility but it should be the mom's. If the Bonner family wants to become a family than they have to start acting like one. - Liam
