Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Group meeting reading section 1

In order to post your group meeting notes for this section, simply 'comment' on this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Character:
    2. The authors attitude towards his characters is depessing.
    3. Right now they are pretty flat. The author doesn't describe enough about the charcters.
    4. No development occurs.
    5. No, the characters have not developed with the plot.
    1. The dad comes back and Tish has troubles relating to her mother and father.
    2. They are revealed because she doesn't get along with them and there has been no development so far.
    3. It is not new because there are alot of books that have the same theme
    4. The theme is psychological and social because she has problems with her family and and they only have negative social activity and not possitive.
    1. There is suspence when the dad came in the picture and she basically ignored him.
    2. There is no difference between the character and the plot.
    4. There are many elements of suspence in the begining of the book.
    5. Her work has been resolved but her problems with her family have not been resolved.
    6. The side plot is the brother and the sister can get along but the parents can't.
    7. It is primary because without the actions it wouldn't be interesting.
    1. Everything about her life is blurry and not clear yet.
    2. the emotional qualities are depressed and sad
    3. They don't really write with rythem or harmony because she is a teenager girl and teenagers don't really write with rythem or harmony.
    4. There is no Dialogue.
    5. It is not an affective dialogue.
    1. The setting is at school and at her house and it is affective.
    2. The atmosphere is evoked when Tish and Matt spend time together.
    3. The scenic effects are plain. It in a way takes away from it.
